速報APP / 生活品味 / Elizabeth Baptist Church

Elizabeth Baptist Church





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Elizabeth Baptist Church(圖1)-速報App

We envision Elizabeth Baptist Church becoming one of the South’s leading ministries for life transformation around the world; providing excellence in culturally relevant Bible-centered preaching, teaching, contemporary worship and praise, conveying God’s love through the means of innovative and impactful ministries; becoming a dynamic spiritual community where thousands of members are transformed into mature followers of Jesus Christ, demonstrating His love for humanity by leading others into a personal relationship with Christ, serving our society as servant-leaders ministering to the spiritual, social, economic, and life developmental needs of people in every age and stage of life; and extending His Kingdom from southwest Atlanta to the ends of the globe.


• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff member with one click.

• Sermon Recorder - record live sermons and email to other members or visitors.

• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containing important church information while on the go.

• Schedule Appointment – members can now schedule an appointment with staff or the pastor.

• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.

• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important church information.

Elizabeth Baptist Church(圖2)-速報App

• Prayer Voice Request – record your request and send via email.

• GPS Map – members and new visitors can find our ministry with just a click of a button.

• Prayer Wall – this feature allows you to post your prayer request easy.

• Online Bible – now users can study their bible while on the go with our eBible.

• Car Finder – members can pin their car on a map and located after service if they forget where they parked.

• Music – buy sermons and music right from our church app through iTunes or 7Digital.

• Enotes – take enotes from sermons and bible studies right from our app.

• App Sharing – share the church app with other members or new visitors.

Elizabeth Baptist Church(圖3)-速報App

• QR-code Reader – users can open the app and scan multiple qr-codes.

Elizabeth Baptist Church(圖4)-速報App